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4.Arakin V.D. History of the English language: Textbook. allowance. M .: FIZMATLIT, 2001. - 272 p.

5.Arseneva M.G., Balashova S.P., Berkov V.P., Solovyova L.N. Introduction to Germanic Philology. - M .: "GIS", 1998. - 314 p.

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7. V. A. Vinogradov. ARTICLE. (Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary.) - M., 1990.

8. Great Dictionary of the Russian language / S. A. Kuznetsov; Edited by: L.I. Balakhonova, L.A. Balyasnikova, L.L. Bulavina [et al.]; - SPb .: Norint, 1998.- 1535 p.

9. Bukharov V.M. , Kesler, TP Nemetsky for beginners. Tutorial. - M. Ying. Language, 2001. - 512 p.,

10. The Bible. Books of the holy scripture of the old and new testament: canonical. - M, 1994. - 298 c.

11. Kozarzewski A. C. Textbook of ancient Greek language. - M., 1981, - 312 p.