
1. Greshem M. D. Uchebnik grecheskogo yazyka Novogo Zaveta [The textbook of new Testament's Greek language] / E. B. Smagina (eds.); translation into Russian by A. A. Rudenko. - Moscow: Russian Bible Society, 2012. - 239 p.

2. Kozarzhevskij A. Ch. Uchebnik drevnegrecheskogo yazyka [The Ancient Greek's textbook] / A. Ch. Kozarzhevskij. - the 5th izd. - Moscow: U. A. Shichalina, GLK, 2004. - 456 p.

3. Serebrennikov B. A. K probleme tipov leksicheskoy i grammaticheskoy abstraktsii [To the problem of types of lexical and grammatical abstraction] // Voprosy grammaticheskogo stroya [Questions on grammatical structure]. - M.: 1955. - 54-73 p.

4. Slavyatinskaya M. N. Uchebnik drevnegrecheskogo yazyka [The Ancient Greek's textbook] / M. N. Slavyatinskaya. - 2nd izd. - Moscow: Filomatis, 2003. - 620 p.

5. Chekareva Y. S. K VOPROSU OB ANAFORICHESKOY FUNKTSII ARTICLYA V DREVNEGRECHESKOM YAZYKE [REVISITING  THE  ANAPHORIC  FUNCTION  OF  THE  ARTICLE  IN  ANCIENT  GREEK] // V mire nauki i iskusstva: voprosy filologii, iskusstvovedenia i kulturologii [In the world of science and art: questions about filology, Liberal Studies, and Cultural Studies]. - Novosibirsk: SibAK, 2014.

6. Homer. Iliada [Iliad] / translation by Iakob Polula. - 804 lines. 

7. Platon. Simpozium [Symposium] / Platon. - 175b-176b.

8. Evangelie ot Matfeya na novogrecheskom yazyke [The book of Matthew in Modern Greek] / publ.: M. Bykov. - Moscow: «GNOZIS», 1993. - 232 p.